It’s February!

As February unfolds, there’s an unmistakable buzz in the air at Enchanted Oak. Nature’s subtle cues hint at the imminent arrival of spring, and we’re eagerly embracing every moment of it. With the first hints of warmth and the gentle stirring of life, our little corner of Ceredigion is coming alive in a symphony of colours and sounds.

One of the most anticipated signs of the changing season is the emergence of the daffodils, the national flower of Wales. These cheerful blooms, with their vibrant yellow petals, serve as heralds of spring, offering a welcome source of pollen for bumblebees and a promise of brighter days ahead. As we wander through the grounds of Enchanted Oak, we can’t help but smile at the sight of these resilient flowers, poised to burst into full bloom at any moment.

But before the daffodils steal the spotlight, we’re savouring the delicate beauty of snowdrops. These tiny, white flowers are a testament to the resilience of nature, pushing through the frosty ground to announce the arrival of spring.

Of course, our appreciation for nature extends far beyond the realm of flowers. At Enchanted Oak, we’re privileged to share our home with a diverse array of wildlife, from the familiar house sparrow to the colourful blue tit and the elusive nuthatch. Every day brings new sightings and discoveries, reminding us of the rich tapestry of life that surrounds us.

This weekend, we’re especially thrilled to welcome back a familiar pair of Red Kites, who chose to make their home in one of our trees last year. As they return to nest and raise their chicks once again, we can’t help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. These majestic birds of prey are a symbol of the wild beauty that thrives at Enchanted Oak, and we’re honoured to play a small role in their story.

But the return of the Red Kites also brings a touch of drama to the skies above us, as they engage in occasional aerial battles with the resident buzzards. These breathtaking displays of strength and agility remind us of the fierce competition for resources in the natural world, and the delicate balance that must be maintained.

In preparation for the busy season ahead, we’ve been hard at work putting up more bird boxes and getting the site ready to welcome visitors for camping in March. As we look ahead to the warmer months, we’re filled with excitement and anticipation for all the adventures that lie ahead.

But for now, we’re content to savour the quiet beauty of February, as nature begins its slow but steady march towards spring. At Enchanted Oak, every day is a celebration of the wonders of the natural world, and we invite you to join us as we embrace the signs of spring and all the magic it brings.

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