Cae Hir Gardens

Unleash your inner nature lover and venture into the delightful Cae Hir Gardens, located just a short distance from The Enchanted Oak. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of natural wonders and experience the beauty of this hidden gem!

A Colourful Oasis of Tranquillity

Cae Hir Gardens is a true feast for the eyes! As you step into this picturesque oasis, you’ll be greeted by a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours and breath-taking floral displays. Every corner of their 5 acre garden is bursting with life, showcasing a variety of plants and flowers that will leave you in awe. Prepare to be mesmerised by the sheer beauty that Mother Nature has to offer.

Stroll Along Scenic Pathways

Take your time to wander through the meandering pathways that wind their way through Cae Hir Gardens. Each step reveals new surprises and delights. Explore charming nooks and crannies, find secluded spots perfect for quiet contemplation, and soak in the peaceful ambiance. Whether you’re an avid gardener or simply enjoy being in nature, these scenic paths are an invitation to unwind and connect with the world around you.

A Haven for Wildlife

Cae Hir Gardens is not just a paradise for plant enthusiasts—it’s also a haven for wildlife. As you explore, keep an eye out for a variety of bird species that find refuge in the garden’s trees, and take the time to spot buzzing bees, delicate butterflies, and other fascinating creatures that call this vibrant ecosystem home.

Relax and Rejuvenate

Need a moment to recharge? Cae Hir Gardens is the perfect spot! Find a cosy bench, take a deep breath of the fresh country air, and let your worries drift away. The tranquil atmosphere invites you to slow down, relax, and embrace the serenity of your surroundings. It’s an ideal place to unwind, reflect, and reconnect with nature.

Welsh Hospitality at Its Best

When you visit Cae Hir Gardens, you’ll be greeted by friendly staff who are passionate about sharing their love for this special place. They are always ready to offer a warm welcome and provide helpful tips and information. Don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation, ask questions, or seek their recommendations. Their enthusiasm will make your visit even more enjoyable and memorable.

Take Home a Living Souvenir

Don’t forget to visit the nursery at Cae Hir Gardens, where you can take home a living souvenir of your visit. The plants sold in the on-site nursery are propagated straight from the garden, and from vibrant flowers to hardy perennials, the nursery offers a diverse selection of plants for every gardening style. Take your time to explore the nursery, ask questions, and find the perfect addition to enhance your own garden oasis.

The Tearoom in ‘Y Sied’ (The Shed)

After exploring the beautiful Cae Hir Gardens, make sure to stop by the Tearoom  This charming spot serves as the social hub of Cae Hir, providing a warm welcome to garden visitors. Here, you can enjoy a well-deserved break and indulge in something delicious to eat or drink. Everything they serve is baked or cooked on site by the garden’s expert chef Julie, from moreish cakes and cream teas (with Julie’s locally famous scones served with proper jam and real clotted cream), to freshly made soup of the day served with a crusty roll! You can also enjoy Conti’s ice cream in traditional and strawberry flavours, or munch on Tregroes Waffles – both local brands Cae Hir support as a Cambrian Mountains Local Produce Champion. And why not treat yourself to a fresh cup of tea or locally roasted Teifi Coffee as you browse the plants for sale and catch a glimpse of the garden beyond?

Plan Your Visit

As you plan your stay at The Enchanted Oak, make sure to carve out time to explore Cae Hir Gardens. It’s a hidden gem that promises an enchanting experience in the heart of nature. Capture beautiful moments, breathe in the scents of blooming flowers, and create lasting memories as you embrace the tranquillity of this remarkable garden.

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